Op. 2 Reflections リフレクションズ

Op. 2 作品番号2
Title: Reflections 作品名:リフレクションズ
Length: 32 mins 長さ:32分
Completed: 1993 (rev. 1998) 完成年:1993年(修正版1998年)
Scoring: Piano Quintet 編成:ピアノ五重奏
First Performance: 1993 (rev. ver. 2000) 初演:1993年(修正版2000年)
Sheet Music: Published 楽譜:出版済み
YouTube Recording: Complete recording YouTubeで録音:完全版
Commercial Recording: CD Philip Seaton – Chamber Works 録音販売:CD 「Philip Seaton – Chamber Works」

Reflections is a traditional romantic piano quintet in both its melodic style and four-movement structure. It depicts the journey of a river from its source in the hills to the ocean, with the river also conceived as a metaphor for life.


Sheet Music Download 楽譜のダウンロード

Piano (Full Score), Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello.

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Poem 詩



I  Moderato – Allegro non troppo

Soft rays of first light creep over the hill,
a sea of tall grass is tranquil and still,
as sunrise finally banishes the night,
reflections off a stream twinkle in the bright light.

The stream gathers speed and winds its way
through meadows, pastures and fields full of hay,
over rocks and under bridges it continues to flow,
past church spires and willows it continues to grow.

II  Nocturne: Andante

In the still of the night the moon lights the sky,
reflecting off the water as the river goes by,
but storm clouds are gathering and the branches of trees
are dancing silhouettes in the strengthening breeze.

The bolts of lighting are brilliantly bright,
thunderclaps boom and rain lashes the night,
when the storm passes over and the clouds are gone,
the world can sleep but the river flows on.

III  Scherzo

Birdsong heralds the dawning day,
the world is alive and nature is at play,
the river cascades in a glittering flow
of dazzling diamonds to a plunge pool below.

IV  Allegro moderato – Moderato

The river rises up for one final fight,
but at its mouth is swallowed in the ocean’s might.
Peace is refound as waves lap the shore,
and a sunset glows where the river is no more.

The river is life, an unstoppable flow
of storms and falls through which you must grow.
Your reflections should not be when the ending is nigh,
of a life on the banks as the river passed you by.

Philip Seaton



I  モデラート―アレグロ・ノン・トロッポ

背の高い草の海は しずかに穏やかに 凪いでいる
朝日がようやく闇を散らすと まぶしい光の中
河面に映る光(リフレクションズ)は きらきら躍る

平野に注ぐと 河は蛇行し速さをまし
教会の尖塔や柳の木を過ぎつつ 河は育っていく

II  ノクターン:アンダンテ

静かな夜更け 月は空を照らし
河の流れは 月影を浮かべる
嵐をはらんだ雲が湧きおこり 勢いをます風に
河岸の木々は揺れ 枝の影絵が踊る

雷鳴が轟き 驟雨が襲う
やがて 嵐が過ぎ去り 雲が晴れる
世界は眠りに戻るが 河はたゆまず流れ続ける

III  スケルツォ

鳥のさえずりが 夜明けを告げる
世界は目覚め 自然は動き出す
河は滝となり ダイアモンドのように
きらめく流れとなって 滝壺に注ぐ

IV  アレグロ モデラートーモデラート

長い旅の果て 河と海が出会うところ
河は河口で力尽き 流れは波に呑み込まれる
入り江に打ち寄せる波は穏やかで 戦いの跡を留めない
河のいのちが果てた跡に 夕陽がふりそそぐ

河はいのち 誰も止めることのできない流れ
滝も嵐も糧にして 成長していく
人生の終わりが近づき 旅路をふり返る時(リフレクションズ)
