Distant 遠くに
These are difficult days as the world confronts the coronavirus pandemic. Within the “new normal” of social distancing, it is clear that live music will take a long time to recover.
In the last few months I have been editing and publishing online the sheet music of past pieces. Concerto Grosso and Memories of Japan were published in March. Now I have completed revisions to my biggest score, Requiem. For all three pieces, the scores and performance parts are available open access as PDF downloads from the AndArt Music website.
It feels like we are climbing a distant hill. The path ahead is an uphill struggle, there are countless obstacles to negotiate, and we cannot see what lies beyond. But, I know music will be on the other side.
Until then, please stay safe and stay well wherever you are.
2 June 2020
この数ヶ月に亘り、私はこれまでに手掛けた作品の楽譜の、編集とオンライン出版を行ってきました。3月には「コンチェルト・グロッソ」と「日本の思い出」を出版しました。そして現在、私の最も大規模なスコアである「レクイエム」の手直しを終えました。3作品すべてのスコアとパート譜は、AndArt Musicのウェブサイトから、オープンアクセスでPDF形式でダウンロード可能です。