Open Access オープンアクセス
AndArt Music (the UK company which publishes the sheet music of my compositions) and I have made a joint decision to switch to open access publishing. Our hope is that by going open access, many more people will play and perform my music.
The full Terms and Conditions are available on the AndArt Music website.
What they mean in layman’s terms are that while the sheet music is free to download and print out, as soon as money starts changing hands – i.e. you sell concert tickets, choir members pay extra for a printed copy of the sheet music as a way of generating income for the choir, an engineer comes to make a recording, and so on – you need to be aware of copyright and license issues.
First, regarding the sheet music: The sheet music was free for you, so please, no profiteering from distributing the sheet music. If you need to print copies for members of your choir, for example, distribute them at cost to choir members.
Second, regarding performances: The right thing is relatively simple to do. If you want to give a public performance, make sure you clearly attribute Philip Seaton as the composer and ensure that you have a proper performance license. Obtaining a performance license is standard practice at regular concert venues. However, if your performance is not in an established music performance venue, please consult the AndArt Music Terms and Conditions page or the collections authority in your country for details on how to get a license.
Finally, in all other circumstances – e.g.
• you want to make an arrangement of the score;
• you want to put a video of your performance on YouTube;
• you want to use the music as background music;
• you want to release a commercial recording;
formal written permission from both me and AndArt Music is required.
Permission can be requested via the AndArt Music website and we will be as quick and accommodating as we can in giving permission.
So, all that is left to say is:
Here is the Catalogue page in my website which indicates which pieces have been published.
… and …
Here is the AndArt Music website where you can find all the sheet music downloads.
22 September 2019
AndArt Music(私の作品の楽譜を出版するイギリスの出版社)と私は、オープンアクセス出版に切り替える決定を行いました。オープンアクセスにすることで、より多くの人々によって演奏されたり、公演が行われたりすることを願っています。
利用規約の全文は、AndArt Musicのウェブサイトを御覧ください。
次に、演奏に関して:比較的シンプルなルールです。公演を行う場合は、フィリップ・シートンが作曲者であることを明示し、適切な演奏許諾を得た上で行ってください。演奏許諾の取得は、一般的なコンサート会場において、広く行われているものです。しかし、公演が通常の音楽会場で行われない場合には、AndArt Musicのウェブサイトで利用規約をご確認頂くか、演奏許諾の取得方法についてお住まいの国の著作権協会(日本ではJASRAC)にご相談下さい。
などといった場合には、私とAndArt Musicの書面による正式な許可が必要です。
申請は、AndArt Musicのウェブサイトから行うことが可能で、できる限り早く、また可能な範囲でご希望にお応えするように致します。
こちらのAndArt Musicのウェブサイトに、ダウンロード可能な楽譜をすべて掲載しています。