Premiere 初演


On 6 May there was the premiere of my piece Trio Concertante at the iPlaza Concert Hall in Inagi City. The performance was simply excellent (as was the Shostakovich in the second half). I am deeply grateful to Irodrio for putting their heart, soul, and immense talent into the occasion. Revisiting the hall seven months after we did the recording, I felt once again that the acoustics in iPlaza are ideal for this piece. Trio Concertante is too big for a salon concert, and a piano trio cannot fill an orchestral concert hall. iPlaza was just right. Listening live with the extra buzz provided by the audience was very special indeed.

With Irodrio after the concert.

So, what next? From my composer’s perspective, Trio Concertante is “complete”. It is on CD, the premiere has taken place, and the sheet music is published online. The official CD release date is 24 May, when it will also become available on streaming platforms. I just look forward to seeing how far the piece and CD will fly!

The preparations for the CD launch concert were a reminder that you cannot just sit back and wait for things to happen in life. To get momentum on this or any other project, we need the help of you – the classical music fan. Fans are effectively “micro-patrons”, whose proactive choices to support musicians make their ongoing music activities possible. Here are the things you can do to help out with Trio Concertante (although these principles apply to any musical genre and any musician, of course).

Let’s start with the ones that cost only time, and not money.

  • Help spread the word: I can tell the world until I am blue in the face about my own music on social media etc., but it just comes across as self-promotion – or worse! – and to be honest it’s quite uncomfortable doing it. If you appreciate the music, make some nice comments to your friends over coffee, on Twitter, or whenever else. Your word-of-mouth always beats my self-promotion.
  • Click and engage: The music industry does look carefully at audience engagement on social media and YouTube etc. before they take a commercial risk with artists. If you have appreciated what you heard, spend half a second clicking the thumbs up button, or subscribe on YouTube etc.
  • Listen on streaming … at first: Of course, it is great to try out lots of different music “for free” on streaming services. However, if the music becomes an important part of your life, please think of a way to pay for it. The costs of getting something onto a streaming service are very high, but a musician’s income from streaming is a pittance unless you are Taylor Swift.

Ultimately, musicians cannot live on comments, clicks, and streams. They need to cover costs (hall hire, pamphlets, CD production/distribution) and earn enough income to put food on the table. The two obvious things to do are to purchase concert tickets and purchase CDs/downloads (or other goods). However, choosing where/how to purchase is significant. There is no right or wrong way, but using a purchase of the Trio Concertante CD as an example, here are some considerations:

  • From Irodrio: Purchasing the CD at one of their concerts or from Irodrio’s online shop maximizes the musicians’ income from the money you pay.
  • From Octavia: Purchasing from the record label’s online shop increases the good standing of the musicians with their label. A demonstration of commercial potential makes negotiating the next release easier!
  • From retailers like Tower Records: Having the CD on display in shopping malls or online retailers is a vital form of PR, especially if it sells fast and gets in-store promotion as a result. However, with every extra “middle man” taking a cut, the money that reaches the musicians is reduced.

So, all purchases help, but in different ways. There might be other considerations, too: for example, minimizing environmental impacts. If there is another album you want to purchase, and buying two together means one parcel in the post rather than two, then that is worth considering, too.

Ultimately, the underlying principle is the same for all music and musicians. If we value music as an important part of our lives, we need to allocate a certain proportion of our incomes to supporting the music industry and, in particular, to ensure that it gets directly to the musicians. This means escaping the “Internet mentality” of “What can I click on for free?” and embracing the “micro-patron” mentality of “How can I support the people whose music I enjoy?” This is what enables musicians to go onto the next project.

So, what is the next project for me? Well, there will be another premiere of one of my pieces on 24 June … but I will talk about that in the next blog post.

10 May 2023






  • 口コミを広める:ソーシャルメディア等で、私は自分の作品について顔が真っ青になるまで世界に発信することはできるのですが、そうした発信は自己PRか、それ以下のものにしかなりません!それに、正直なところ、私自身気まずさも感じます。もし楽曲を気に入って下さったなら、お友達とお茶を飲むときに話したり、Twitterなど、どんな場でも良いので、良いコメントを書いたりしてください。あなたの口コミは、私の自己PRよりずっとインパクトが大きいのです。
  • クリックしてエンゲージする:音楽業界はアーティストと商業的な契約を結ぶ前に、ソーシャルメディアやYouTube等におけるフォロワーのエンゲージメント率に注目します。もしあなたが耳にした曲を楽しんだのなら、わずか0.5秒程度でできるので、サムズアップボタンをクリックしたり、YouTubeでチャンネル登録したりしてください。
  • ストリーミングで聴く初めのうちは:もちろん、各種ストリーミングサービスを通じて、様々な音楽を「無料で」試せるのは素晴らしいことだと思います。しかし、もしその音楽があなたの人生の重要な一部となるのであれば、お金を払う方法を考えてくださいませんか。ストリーミングサービスに載せるコストは莫大です。でも、ストーミング配信から得られる収入は、テイラー・スウィフトでもない限り、ほんの僅かなのです。


  • 彩三重奏から購入:彩三重奏のコンサートやオンラインショップでCDを購入すると、販売金額から彩三重奏が得られる収入を最大化することができます。
  • オクタヴィア・レコードから購入:同社のオンラインショップから購入することで、会社におけるミュージシャンの立ち位置が改善します。商業的なポテンシャルを示せれば、次のリリースに際する交渉が進めやすくなります!
  • タワーレコード等の小売店から購入:ショッピングモールやオンラインショップにCDを陳列してもらうことは、PRの手段として重要です。とくに売れ行きが好調で、店内でプロモーションを受けられる場合には有効です。しかし、余計な「中間マージン」が取られるため、ミュージシャンに届くお金は減ってしまいます。



